The Island Is a Symbol of the Times Signage and Wayfinding Systems

Shenzhen REHOEGD Signage Co., Ltd. Signage and Wayfinding Systems
Shenzhen REHOEGD Signage Co., Ltd. Signage and Wayfinding Systems

The Island Is a Symbol of the Times Signage and Wayfinding Systems


Located in the artificial island port of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, this work is a city showroom work whose overall design is based on the element of curved surface mimicry. After extracting and summarizing the still and changing interaction between yacht and waves, designers incorporated or put the element into the appearance, adornment, and process design of indoor and outdoor signage. The most difficult part of the project was to select and integrate the common aesthetic elements of the yacht and the ocean, and how to incorporate and convey the spirit of the project site in the design.

Shenzhen REHOEGD Signage Co., Ltd.
Signage and Wayfinding Systems
Shenzhen REHOEGD Signage Co., Ltd. Service

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