Potpourri Natural Aromatherapy Humidifier

Yong Zhang Natural Aromatherapy Humidifier
Yong Zhang Natural Aromatherapy Humidifier

Potpourri Natural Aromatherapy Humidifier

Home Appliance

Potpourri combines natural aromatherapy and flowers to humidify the air. The humidifier provides moisture to the flowers, and when it is activated, it releases a pleasant aroma. This device has a transparent acrylic cover to protect the plants while allowing natural light to pass through. Additionally, the cover creates a partially enclosed space for the flowers, promoting water circulation and reducing the need for watering. Potpourri's modular base and flowerpot structure make it easy to install and clean.

Yong Zhang
Natural Aromatherapy Humidifier
Yong Zhang Home Appliance

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