Femtika Nanofactory Laser 3D Workstation

Karolis Bakunas - Form2be Laser 3D Workstation
Karolis Bakunas - Form2be Laser 3D Workstation

Femtika Nanofactory Laser 3D Workstation


Femtika Nanofactory is innovative laser machine, that has clear and modern shape design. Orange colored parts highlights the shape. Design is based on two modules: upper and lower. The lower module holds laser's control computer, and upper module holds laser device. Device has led interior lightening, anti vibration legs and powerful ventilation system. Front door goes up and slides down automatically by pressing a button in order to save place. Side covers are stiff but lightweight and removable in order to easily serve the device. Design is friendly for additional laser modifications.

Karolis Bakunas - Form2be
Laser 3D Workstation
Karolis Bakunas - Form2be Equipment

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